Mission Statement

Our mission is about inclusion, supporting artisans and artists through the phase of their career they’re at while offering opportunities to show, talk, dialogue, tell, and of course, learn and unlearn.

We are a relational Art Experiment. We are exploring that small business, which has been harmed by recent events and policies, is now an extension of culture and healthy communities. Culture connects us all.

Be patient with us as we put this site together, finish our gallery space, and care for this heritage building, but please join our mailing list. As we gain momentum, we are excited to meet you, share your stories, learn and offer a space for art, sound and conceptual work to merge. Challenge is exciting.

Lisa & The Common Good Gang

PS: Send us a postcard, and we will send one to someone else…and so on. Connection to one another is always meaningful, and this is the case now.


About Our Founder

Lisa YK is an artist, writer, and academic with a particular interest and education in psychoanalytic theory, play, dance, and being with warm and friendly people - especially her dog Honey aka Hunsterbunster. Lisa has two MFA's, one MA, is finishing a MACP and has no intention of stopping.

Our shop is grounded by a feminist principle or the "femmie empire" we call it where Lisa is the bottom, supporting our ideas, what we need to execute her vision and allows us our own. Rather than top down, working here means you're motivated, have a strong character and can tell the good from the bad.

The shop begins from a tragic story and offers the opportunity for a project to embrace Lisa's long history with art and theory into a building that is a short hour from the city, in the most beautiful Hamlet in the world.
Using the skills of collaborators and staff, The Common Good is developing into a Cultural Space where makers and wellness folx can gather and help improve one another's lives and help bridge the differences within the idea of community.

To read more on what a Relational Art Project or Experiment might be, look further down. Lisa will write a concise (for her) explanation and how you too can be an integral part of your liberation through art, writing, sharing and ultimately finding belonging in a world increasingly isolated by current events.

She and the Gang do love you and our community of visitors.